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Adding or removing individual named color databases from the list

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

As from Harlequin 12.0r2, some helper calls are available to make it easier to add or remove individual named color databases from the array value of NamedColor in setinterceptcolorspace. The changes made by these calls are subject to save/restore. Both calls trigger setpagedevice internally. This means that you must call them before any graphics have been drawn on the current page.

AddToActiveNamedColorOrder – Takes the name of a named color database on the stack (as a string or name object) and inserts it at the beginning of the active named color list; for example:

/NCDName /HqnColorDatabase /ProcSet findresource
/AddToActiveNamedColorOrder get exec

DeleteFromActiveNamedColorOrder – Takes the name of a named color database on the stack (as a string or name object) and removes it from the active named color list; for example:

/NCDName /HqnColorDatabase /ProcSet findresource
/DeleteFromActiveNamedColorOrder get exec

If the name supplied is not in the currently active named color list, it is silently ignored without raising an error.

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