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Adjusting HqnImpose2 mark positions automatically

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

The AdjustMargins Prefix procedure uses the ControlStrategy key to define how the position of any marks should be calculated, and the ControlDepth key to define the amount of space required for any control marks.

The following options, suitable for a flat containing a single page, are shipped as standard:


Places any control marks on the bottom or left of the flat, whichever is the shorter.


Places any control marks on the bottom or right of the flat, whichever is the shorter.


Places any control marks on the bottom or left of the flat, whichever is the longer.


Places any control marks on the bottom or right of the flat, whichever is the longer.

Extra procedures could be defined to work out where there might be most room for a control strip in a more intelligent way. Such a procedure should be defined in the ControlStrategies dictionary.

Procedures are not supplied with any items on the operand stack, but should return one of /FilmLeft , /FilmRight , /FilmTop , or /FilmBottom to define which edge of the flat the marks should be drawn at. If no marks should be drawn then it should return /None.

Marks to be adjusted by the AdjustMargins Prefix must contain the keys /BaseX , /BaseY , and /BaseAngle. These must be defined as the values for X , Y , and Angle that would be used if the mark were to be drawn against the bottom edge of the flat. Marks which do not contain these keys will be ignored (that is, they will not be adjusted) by the AdjustMargins Prefix.

All marks which contain the Base~ keys will be enabled by this Prefix, unless the selection procedure returns /None, in which case all will be disabled.

These options can be supplemented by OEMs. The simple ControlStrategy options listed above are only of use when placing a single page on the flat. It would need a complex ControlStrategy procedure to adjust margins for advanced multi-page Objectives such as FillSpace.

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