Config options for Scalable RIP
This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP
The Scalable RIP also has various config options set within a global config file.
The default location of the global config file is in the SW\RIPFarmConfig
directory and is named ripfarm_global.json
The syntax of this file is JSON. See
In normal production it is unlikely that you will need to edit this file but when developing farm RIP raster back-ends or wanting to see more detail from farm RIPs, a number of options can be very useful. The file is self-documenting so the keys in that file are not documented here, but this document covers when to use the various keys.
If you want to investigate some of the options, it can be very useful to take a copy of the RIPFarmConfig
directory from the SW directory. Place the copy elsewhere then use the -rfcd
command-line option to use that copy. For example:
C:\apps\HHR_SDK_dev> bin\clrip.exe -rfcd C:\Users\me\ RIPFarmConfig -m 2048 -f "D:\OUTPUT\%j-%p.tif" -nrips 2 -c CMYKComposite300dpi C:\T\ThirtyOnePages-01.pdf
The above command line will use the file C:\Users\me\RIPFarmConfig\ripfarm_global.json as the global config file.