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Crop and register marks in HqnImpose2

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

The procset can be used to add crop and register marks, gray step wedges, progressive patches, document and separation names, and folio marks to every page on the flat.

In its simplest form, turn it on simply by defining /CropMarks as true in the dictionary passed to HqnInitImpose.

Setting CropMarks to true enables all additional marks around the page. Individual features may then be suppressed again by setting ShowJobName, ShowSepNames, ShowWedges, ShowProgressives, ShowCropMarks, or ShowRegisterMarks to false.

For example, to add crop marks to a pack-drum feature, but to suppress step wedges and progressives:

/mm { 72 mul 25.4 div } bind def
  /Objective /PackDrum
  /CropMarks true
  /ShowWedges false
  /ShowProgressives false
>> /HqnImpose2 /ProcSet findresource /HqnInitImpose get exec

You must allocate additional space surrounding the page size requested by the job itself to place any marks in. This space defaults to 30 points on all sides of each page, but to adjust it, define /CropSpace to a different value (in points).

Crop marks are drawn from the outer edge of this space to six points from the edge of the page by default. To adjust this value, define /CropClearance.

Data on the page bleeds out into the CropSpace region by 12 points by default. To adjust this value, define /Bleed .

Crop and register marks are drawn in a rule weight defined by /CropRule —defaulting to 0.15 points. Document name, folio, and separation names are shown in 10-point Courier (defined as /LabelSize and /LabelFont, respectively).

Text in the progressives patches are shown in 4.75-point Helvetica-Bold (defined as /ProgressiveSize and /ProgressiveFont, respectively).

If the value of /LabelFont or /ProgressiveFont is an integer, it is used as a style selector in the same way as the <#s command; for more information see Codes available in ControlText. If it is a name or string, it is taken as a font name and that explicit font is used.

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