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Error 48

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

If you decide not to install the LDK runtime when installing the RIP or when an installation is not successful, you may see  Err (48). This means that no vendor library is available, which points to a problem with the LDK runtime.

You can install the LDK runtime (post RIP install), by running the RIP installer and selecting LDK only (for use with remote RIP). Once haspdinst.exe is installed, run that executable from an admin command prompt using:

haspdinst.exe -install

One cause for Err (48) on Linux is that the /var/hasplm directory did not exist before attempting to activate the license. Create the directory and copy into it.

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