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Film scaling in HqnImpose2

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

If scaling is entered on the Page Setup dialog, or by a call to setpagedevice defining Scaling, pages are reduced or enlarged appropriately, but any definitions of MaxWidth and MaxHeight are assumed to be physical measurements and therefore the maximum final film size is not changed.

Scaling may also be defined by setting ScaleX or ScaleY in the call to HqnInitImpose. Both default to 1.0.

Once a layout of pages within the flat (and therefore the film width and height) have been calculated, the entire flat may be automatically scaled to fit. The area to which the film is to be scaled may be defined by setting /ScaleWidth and /ScaleHeight (both as values in points) in the dictionary passed to HqnInitImpose. If these are not set, the default page size entered on the Page Setup dialog in the RIP is used.

Automatic scaling to fit is controlled by defining /ScaleMode. This is /None by default. It may be defined as /ScaleFit to scale the flat to be the largest size that fits within the scale area but without distorting it. Defining ScaleMode to /ScaleStretch distortd the flat to fill the scale area.

The effects of this may be adjusted further by setting /ScaleAspect. A value of /Original means that the flat is not rotated within the scale area, while /BestFit (the default) rotates the flat if necessary to match the aspect ratio of the scale area.

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