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Harlequin Core v13.2r9 Release Notes

Harlequin Core v13.2r9 change details

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HQNSUP-127016, HQNSUP-127033, HQNSUP-127046

IndependentSpots gives unexpected results

The bad output is because the IndependentSpots feature was designed for, and only ever tested with, overprinted White that was overlaid on top of the z-order.
This is now fixed with no change to the amount of compositing or the performance improvement that IndependentSpots already provides.

This is an Isolated change with low risk of possible interactions not known at this time. GGS carried out output regression testing & performance testing against earlier 13.2.x releases.



Fix strict-aliasing compiler optimization issues. This was causing image inversion of CMYK Indexed colorspace on Linux.



Optimise Usage of CMYKPassThrough to avoid slowdown between 13.0r1d and 13.2r4 or 14.0r0

This was needed because an OEM found that there was a performance degradation from 13.0rX to 13.2r4 when using a config with CMYKPassthrough true and HVD. The main performance degradation was due to increase in HVD reuse found and therefore scan time.

Harlequin Core v13.2r8 change details

13.2r8 was an internal Hybrid group release and contained the following changes that are inherited by 13.2r9

Jira Story

Support Call(s)




Fix for a regression post 13.2r2 with a job made by Packz. The issue was reported by the customer. The temporary workaround to disable the image cache is now unnecessary.



An OEM reported an issue where screening artefacts (or equivalent) are showing up in ripped jobs:

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