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JobTimeout (system and user params)

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP













The number of seconds after which a job in progress is automatically abandoned. This is to guard against infinite loops in the PostScript language job.

The system parameter is the default value applied for all jobs. The user parameter is the time left to this job. A timeout error only happens if there has been a call to setjobtimeout in statusdict . This call is made in the server loop.

Because nowadays jobs are much more complex with increasingly more pages JobTimeout accepts a value of zero which results in an infinite timeout.

For the Harlequin MultiRIP the default is 360000 (6000 minutes) and can be changed in the Configure RIP dialog.

For the Host Renderer the JobTimeout is set within the core RIP to 7200 seconds and there is no standard PostScript language file run when the Host Renderer boots to change this value. Therefore, any job longer than two hours will fail with the error:

            %%[ Error: timeout; OffendingCommand: setjobtimeout; File: %console% ]%%
            %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end of file) will be ignored ]%% Total time: 2 hours 0 minutes (02:00:00.502)

To change the JobTimeout value for the Host Renderer a PostScript language file must be run when the RIP boots.

Default: 6000 minutes (HMR) 7200 seconds (HHR)

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