Operators for processing EPS files
This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP
file dict epsexec -
The form of the operands to epsexec
has changed in different versions of the RIP. This operator processes PC format EPS files as described in section H.5.2 of [RB2] or in section 5.2 of [ATNEPSF3.0]. It is not required for Macintosh or interchange (device-independent preview or EPSI) format EPS files.
The parameters to epsexec
are the file to be executed and a dictionary containing any options controlling its execution. It is legal to supply an empty dictionary.
In versions where the dictionary operand is supported, the dictionary can be empty or contain the following key:
| Boolean. If this key is |