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Override pagebuffer type

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP

The -o switch can be used to override the value of /PageBufferType in the selected configuration file. The available values vary depending on your platform and build; see Output methods for the list of backends supplied with the test harness. A list of backends included in clrip.exe can be obtained using the -l (N.B. lower case ‘L') command-line option.

The -o command-line switch is useful during integration and development as it can help to reduce the number of configuration files required. For example, to test the CMYKComposite300dpi configuration with both TIFF and JPEG output, only one configuration file is required, rather than two. If the configuration file has /TIFF set as the /PageBufferType (the default), you can perform the JPEG test by using the same configuration file and adding the -o JPEG option to the clrip command line.

Once an integration is productized, however, it is recommended that the PageBufferType and OutputTarget page device parameters are used instead of the -o and -s command-line parameters. In particular, those command-line parameters will not work with Harlequin Scalable RIP.

Example usage:

  clrip -c RGBComposite300dpi -o JPEG myfile.pdf

There are also three example page features that modify the output method for HVD experimentation, all provided in the SW/Page Features directory:

  • HVDNone to be used with the HVDNone example raster backend.
  • HVDRaw to be used with the HVDRaw example backend, delivering raw raster data and metadata.
  • HVDDemo, which can be used with any contone backend except JPEG, PNG and RLE, to demonstrate how pages are deconstructed by HVD.

See the comments in each for more detail.

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