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OverridePatternTilingType (user param)

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP














This user parameter provides an override value for the tiling type for patterns which can be used to ensure that the RIP renders PDF and PostScript language jobs containing patterns without artifacts.

Patterns, whether defined in the PostScript language or PDF, have a TilingType key in the corresponding pattern dictionary. This key has an integer value in the range 0 to 3 . The value determines the degree to which the RIP may distort the shape of pattern cells to achieve an efficient implementation. For more information see the PDF and PostScript language documentation.

The user parameter OverridePatternTilingType is also associated with an integer value, but the range is -1 to 3 . If the value of the parameter is -1 , there is no effect on the processing of jobs. This is the initial value and whatever value specified in the job is used. If the parameter value is in the range 0 to 3 , the parameter value overrides the TilingType value in patterns of pattern type 1 defined whilst the parameter is in force. It applies, therefore, to both PDF and PostScript language tiled patterns.

Attempting to define the OverridePatternTilingType user parameter with a value outside the range causes a rangecheck error.

The OverridePatternTilingType parameter may be used to, for example, force patterns to be rendered with no distortion, by overriding the value to 2 . This can be useful where jobs have been constructed in a manner that relies on the particular placement of the pattern cells, but the patterns themselves allow distortion.

Default: -1

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