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This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

PluginQuestion Function

    int32 PluginQuestion (
      struct pluginLibGlobals *g,
      char *str,
      enum plugMessageReason reason

The PluginQuestion function is a more general mechanism for passing messages to the user, including asking a question. In all cases, the action only occurs on return from the RIP (the plugin does not produce a dialog itself).

str is copied into the same buffer mentioned for PluginOutMonitor above. The action depends on reason , as described below:


The same as PluginOutMonitor : the string is printed in the monitor window.


Generates a dialog box which contains the message str and two buttons for the answers “yes” and “no”.

The default response is “yes”.

When the user clicks on one of the buttons, the answer is returned as follows in the d_answer field of the deviceDefinition structure for output plugins, and in the answer field of the IPPluginContext structure for input plugins.

The answer will be either plugAnswer_no or plugAnswer_yes . Until one has been chosen, it will be plugAnswer_unset . These values are defined in the header file gplugin.h .

The use of the deviceDefinition or IPPluginContext means that each plugin can only have one question awaiting an answer at one time.


The same as pluginMessage_yesNo , except that the default answer is “No”.


This puts up a confirmer dialog box, containing the message str , and an “OK” button with which to dismiss it.

The plugin has no further interaction with this dialog box. Because of this, you should make sure that this is the last reason used, if using more than one.


This can be used to cancel a message requested earlier in the same plugin call.

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