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Push Calibration

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

The Push Calibration facility provides a route to storing and updating calibration sets from profile or measurement data.  In the HMR rip this would usually be done directly via the GUI, however the Push Calibration facility is available as an alternative route.

The data may be submitted as a PostScript language file to the RIP, calling the PushCalibration procedure in the HqnPushCalibration procset. Calling this procedure does not trigger any raster output, and files may be submitted through any input channel configured on the RIP. Instead the process creates a stored calibration or calset in the SW folder. This calibration can be selected later via a configuration file or the GUI.

For more information see Harlequin Technical Note Hqn081 - Push Calibration.

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