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ReadColorSet in the HqnSettings procset

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

ReadColorSet allows a ColorSet to be read from persistent storage (currently in the SW/Config/Devices/DevHCMS directory).

            ColorSetName ReadColorSet ColorSet true ColorSetName ReadColorSet defaultset false ColorSetName optionsdict ReadColorSet ColorSet true
            ColorSetName optionsdict ReadColorSet defaultset false


must be a string containing the name of a ColorSet. If a ColorSet by that name exists for the specified device and colorant family then it will be returned with true on the operand stack. If no such ColorSet can be found, then the default ColorSet as listed above will be returned with false on the top of the operand stack.

By default, a ColorSet for the current device and colorant family will be selected. This can be overridden by providing an options dictionary (optionsdict ) which may contain either or all of the keys in the following example:

            /PageBufferType (TIFF)
            /DeviceColorantFamily (DeviceCMYK)
            /CalibrationColorantFamily (DeviceCMYK)

In this example PageBufferType selects the device, while CalibrationColorantFamily and DeviceColorantFamily select the colorant family required by the ColorSet. For most devices, CalibrationColorantFamily and DeviceColorantFamily should have the same value.

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