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Scalable RIP raster tool

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP

The Scalable RIP raster tool is supplied as an executable tool to enable automated testing of the Scalable RIP raster backend and raster manager integrations. It acts as a Digital Back End client, automatically requesting page rasters for the highest priority job, printing the delivery information, and then informing the Scalable RIP raster manager when it has handled the pages.

The Scalable RIP raster tool is run as so:

  RIPFarmRasterTool starting
  Connection name: RIPFarmRasterTool
  Raster Request delay: 0 mS
  Raster Deliver chunk: 1
  Rasters Handled delay: 0 mS
  Rasters Handled chunk: 1
  Delete Raster Name?: no
  Received Raster Connected: ConnectionID 1
  Received Job Started: Job 1, PageCount 50, Priority 0
  Received Raster Progress: Job 1, Priority 0, JobComplete? no,
    JobFailed? no, Pages Handled 0, Pages Delivered 0,
    Pages Ready 2, PagesUnready 2
  Received Rasters Available: Job 1, Priority 0, JobComplete? no,
    PagesHandled 0, PagesDelivered 0, PagesReady 2,
    PagesUnready 2
  Current jobs:
  Job 1, Priority 0, JobComplete? no, PagesCompleted 2,
  PagesHandled 0, PagesDelivered 0, PagesRequested 0, PagesReady 2,
  Requests 0
  Sent RasterRequest: Job 1, PageCount 1; First Page 1
  Sent RasterRequest: Job 1, PageCount 1; First Page 2
  Sent RasterRequest: Job 1, PageCount 1; First Page 3
  Sent RasterRequest: Job 1, PageCount 1; First Page 4
  Received Raster Deliver: PagesRequested 1
  Job 1, Priority 0, JobComplete? no, PagesHandled 0,
  PagesDelivered 1, PagesReady 3, PagesUnready 0, NPages 1
    ConnectionName RIPFarmRasterTool
    PageID: 1, PageComplete? yes, NRasters: 1
      Raster 0
  Name: C:\Output\test-1-untitled-0001.TIFF
  Location: BA39F45187BA164B8DB187E297FD4633
  Format: TIFF

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