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The HqnLayout annotations array

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

The dictionaries within the annotations array each contain:


name enum

Default: /None

Where to place the annotation on the selected side of each sheet:


No annotations


Place the annotations at the left side of the sheet.


Place the annotations at the right side of the sheet.


Place the annotations at the top of the sheet.


Place the annotations at the bottom of the sheet.

Schemes: All



Default: n/a

The name of the annotation to be placed, taken from an enumeration of files found in SW/Usr/HqnLayout/Annots. Required if AnnotEdge = /None.

Schemes: All



Default: n/a

The HeadOut key sets the orientation of the annotation relative to the edge of the raster. It may, however, be overridden by setting the value in the Annotation object itself.

If Headout is false, the foot of the annotation is placed towards the edge of the raster. If true, the head of the annotation is placed towards the edge.

The left, right, top and bottom are all relative to the design orientation of the imposition schemes, which assumes that ImageWidth is greater than ImageHeight. If that is not true, or if the sheet has been rotated using page setup Rotate (ExtraOrientation in the page device), the output may not match your expectation as to what is left, right top or bottom.

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