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The Rectangular tiling method

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP

The Rectangular tiling method is used to generate rectangular grids of tiles. This method supports several configuration parameters that control how tiles are generated. All parameters are optional, but there are constraints on the interactions between them:


(Integer) An explicit X step between tile reference points. If this option is used, then tiles will be this wide, plus any OverlapX required for adjacent tiles. This option cannot be used with the WidthN or MultipleX options.


(Integer) The number of tiles to fit across a page or element. This option is incompatible with the StepX option, but is compatible with MultipleX . If MaxWidth or MaxPixels are also specified, and the maximum width or total number of pixels constraints cannot be met while providing exactly this number of tiles across the page or element, then a configuration error will be issued.


(Integer) This is the maximum width of a tile, including any rounding for MultipleX and any overlaps specified by OverlapX . If neither this parameter nor StepX or WidthN are specified, then tiles may extend over the whole width of a page or element, unless constrained by MaxPixels . MaxWidth acts as a maximum width of tile rasters, regardless of the other constraints specified. If the other constraints cannot be met without exceeding MaxWidth , then a configuration error will be issued.


(Integer) This is an explicit Y step between tile reference points. If this option is used, then tiles will be this tall, plus any OverlapY required for adjacent tiles. This option cannot be used with the HeightN or MultipleY options.


(Integer) The number of tiles to fit down a page or element. This option is incompatible with the StepY option, but is compatible with MultipleY . If MaxHeight or MaxPixels are also specified, and the maximum height or total number of pixels constraints cannot be met while providing exactly this number of tiles down the page or element, then a configuration error will be issued.


(Integer) This is the maximum height of a tile, including any rounding for MultipleY and any overlaps specified by OverlapY . If neither this parameter nor StepY or HeightN are specified, then tiles may extend over the whole height of a page or element, unless constrained by MaxPixels . MaxHeight acts as a maximum height of tile rasters, regardless of the other constraints specified. If the other constraints cannot be met without exceeding MaxHeight , then a configuration error will be issued.


(Integer) This is the maximum number of pixels in a tile. If StepX/WidthN or StepY/HeightN are specified, then MaxPixels will constrain the other dimension. If MaxWidth and/or MaxHeight are specified, then MaxPixels will initially constrain the larger dimension. If neither is specified, then MaxPixels will constrain tiles to be as close to square tiles as it can, within the limitations of the tile multiple and overlap parameters. MaxPixels acts as a maximum number of pixels in a tile raster, regardless of the other constraints specified. If the other constraints cannot be met without exceeding MaxPixels , then a configuration error will be issued.


(Integer) If specified, this parameter rounds the left coordinate and width of tiles generated to multiples of MultipleX . The right-most tile in a row may be clipped to the actual page or element boundary, and thus not be a multiple of MultipleX wide.


(Integer) If specified, this parameter rounds the top coordinate and height of tiles generated to multiples of MultipleY . The bottom tile in a column may be clipped to the actual page or element boundary, and thus not be a multiple of MultipleY high.


(Integer) This parameter specifies a number of pixels added to the left and right side of each tile, where it abuts another tile. The overlap is not added at exterior edges of the tiling. OverlapX must be a multiple of MultipleX , if that parameter is specified.

It must also be less than half of MaxWidth , if that parameter is specified (because the overlap is added at both the left and right of interior tiles, if it were larger the tiles could not have any positive width).


(Integer) This parameter specifies a number of pixels added to the top and bottom of each tile, where it abuts another tile. The overlap is not added at exterior edges of the tiling. OverlapY must be a multiple of MultipleY , if that parameter is specified.

It must also be less than half of MaxHeight , if that parameter is specified (because the overlap is added at both the top and bottom of interior tiles, if it were larger the tiles could not have any positive height).


(Integer) This parameter defines the order in which tiles are provided by the iterator. The order follows the conventions of the TIFF Orientation tag:

(1)                                                    The 0th row represents the visual top of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual left-hand side.

(2)                                                    The 0th row represents the visual top of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual right-hand side.

(3)                                                    The 0th row represents the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual right-hand side.

(4)                                                    The 0th row represents the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual left-hand side.

(5)                                                    The 0th row represents the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual top.

(6)                                                   The 0th row represents the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual top.

(7)                                                   The 0th row represents the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual bottom.

(8)                                                    The 0th row represents the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual bottom.

At least one of the tile constraint parameters StepX , WidthN , MaxWidth , StepY , HeightN , MaxHeight , and MaxPixels must be specified. Tiles will be constrained by all of the limits specified. Regardless of whether an explicit or maximum dimension was specified, the tiles generated by the method will be clipped to the bounding box of the page or element.

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