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Tiling configuration examples

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP

Here are some examples of how to configure tiling. These examples illustrate specifying different algorithms for different raster types, and specifying parameters for the algorithms.

Note: If tiling is configured with very small tile sizes, total processing time may be increased significantly.

Example 1: This might be used when rendering on a single RIP, where there is a maximum size of raster for tiles and for HVD elements:

          /Page << % Non-HVD page
            /Method /Rectangular
            /MaxWidth 300000 % These are vaguely appropriate limits for TIFF output that can be read by PhotoShop
            /MaxHeight 300000
            /MaxPixels 2147483647
            /MultipleX 4 % Round tile start/end positions multiple of pixels
            /MultipleY 4
            /OverlapX 16 % overlap tiles by this amount on each size
            /OverlapY 16
          /HVDElement << % HVD Element
            /Method /Rectangular % built-in simple rectangular tiling
            /MaxWidth 100000
            /MaxHeight 100000
            /MaxPixels 1000000
            /MultipleX 4
            /MultipleY 4
          /HVDPage null % Don't restrict HVD pages: restrict elements instead
        >> settilingparams

Example 2: Explicit tiling. This might be used by Farm RIPs when being configured to render a particular tile from the page range specified:

          /Page <<
            /Method /Explicit
            /Tiles [ % half-open bounds of rasters. x1,y1 included, x2,y2 excluded.
              << /BoundingBox [10000 0 20000 10000] /Page 1 >> % This tile from page 1 in range
              << /BoundingBox [0 10000 10000 20000] /Page 2 >> % This tile from page 2 in range
              << /BoundingBox [10000 10000 20000 20000] >> % No /Page restriction, so this tile for all pages in range
          /HVDPage /Page % restrict HVD page size to explicit tiles specified by /Page
          /HVDElement << % Tiling for elements within HVD page define
            /Method /Rectangular % built-in simple rectangular tiling
            /MaxWidth 100000
            /MaxHeight 100000
            /MaxPixels 1000000
            /MultipleX 4
            /MultipleY 4
        >> settilingparams

Example 3: Configuration for splitting wide tiles into six vertical strips, each the whole page height:

          /Page <<
            /Method /Rectangular
            /WidthN 6
          /HVDPage /Page
        >> settilingparams

Example 4: Configuration for non-HVD pages using Rectangular tiling with an explicit tile size, throwing an error if HVD is enabled. The Action key is used to export the tile sizes to a RIP device:

          /Page <<
            /Method /Rectangular
            /StepX 1000
            /StepY 1000
          /HVDPage << /Method /Error >>
          /HVDElement /HVDPage
          /Action {
            /Tiles get { % array of tile-dicts on stack
              % tile dict on stack
              (%my-device%) exch setdevparams % send tile /BoundingBox to device
            } forall
            /Discard % don't render anything
          } bind
        >> settilingparams

Note: The following shows the format of the dictionary that might be presented on the stack to the /Action procedure:

          /Page 7
          /Tiles [ << /BoundingBox [0 0 1000 1000] >>
                  << /BoundingBox [1000 0 2000 1000] >>
                  << /BoundingBox [0 1000 1000 2000] >>
                  << /BoundingBox [1000 1000 2000 2000] >> ]

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