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This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

Object-based color management may be used in a number of places within the setinterceptcolorspace and setreproduction operators.

Object-based color management with setinterceptcolorspace

The keys in setinterceptcolorspace (see The setinterceptcolorspace operator ) that accept only an object type but not a color model are:

  • /DeviceCMYK
  • /DeviceRGB
  • /DeviceGray
  • /BlendCMYK
  • /BlendRGB
  • /BlendGray
  • /SourceCMYK
  • /SourceRGB
  • /SourceGray
  • /OverrideCMYK
  • /OverrideRGB
  • /OverrideGray

Examples of the use of an object-based dictionary to be used with these keys are:

/DeviceCMYK <<
  /Default <color-space>
  /Picture <color-space>
/DeviceCMYK <<
  /Picture <color-space>
  /Text <color-space>
  /Shfill <color-space>
  /Other <color-space>

The keys in setinterceptcolorspace that accept object type and color model combinations are:

  • /Black
  • /BlackTint

Object-based color management with setreproduction

The keys in setreproduction that accept object type and color model combinations are:

  • /Profile
  • /IntentMappings
    Note: /IntentMappings does not accept a /Default object type (see The setreproduction operator ).
  • /BlackPointCompensation
  • /InputColorSpace

Examples of the use of an object-based dictionary to be used with these keys are:

/InputColorSpace <<
  /Default <color-space>
  /Picture << /Default <color-space> >>
/InputColorSpace <<
  /Picture << /Default <color-space> >>
  /Text << /Default <color-space> >>
  /Shfill << /Default <color-space> >>
  /Other << /Default <color-space> >>
/InputColorSpace <<
  /Default <color-space>
  /Picture <<
    /Default <color-space>
    /RGB <color-space>
/InputColorSpace <<
  /Default <color-space>
  /Picture <<
    /CMYK <color-space>
    /RGB <color-space>
    /Gray <color-space>
    /NamedColor <color-space>
    /CIE <color-space>
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