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Using DCS with pre-separated pages

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

Even when processing a pre-separated job containing DCS images to be substituted, the Harlequin RIP knows which separation is being dealt with and passes the information to DCStranslator in the usual way. The separation is stored as a system parameter, and is returned by the following line of code:

currentsystemparams /Separation get

This code is valid when the system parameter DetectSeparation is true, as it is by default.

The /DetectSeparation key is deprecated. You can still specify a /DetectSeparation key in a halftone dictionary, but whether you do or not, or whatever the value, the RIP always behaves as if it is specified as true.

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