(v13) After installing the Harlequin Core SDK
This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP.
The runtime is installed or any previously installed runtime is upgraded. Alternatively, a “Package already installed” message appears.
When the Harlequin Core SDK is installed you have a choice about what you can do next.
- See the Sentinel LDK document (SentinelLDK.pdf).
- You can look at the capabilities of Harlequin Core SDK; see (v13) Harlequin Core SDK capabilities.
- You can learn how to interact with Harlequin Core SDK using (v13) The functions and callback functions.
- You can run the Harlequin Core SDK; see (v13) Using the Harlequin Core SDK test harness.