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(v13) Appearance controls

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

A miscellaneous group of procedures (formerly operators) controls the appearance of the page by calling setpagedevice with the corresponding keys. All the procedures in this section are in statusdict.

bool setnegativeprint -

The setnegativeprint procedure in statusdict calls setpagedevice with a dictionary with a key

/NegativePrint set to the value bool , which is true for negative (white on black) prints and false for positive prints. NegativePrint is implemented by the printer driver, so may not be acted on in all circumstances; nor is it present in all versions of the RIP. It is present in all GUI versions of the RIP. If required, you can add it using ExtraPageDeviceKeys or the Sys/ExtraPageDeviceKeys file. If the key is not present in the page device, the procedure does nothing.

-  negativeprint bool

The negativeprint procedure in statusdict returns the value of the NegativePrint key in the page device, or false if it is not present (see setnegativeprint above).

bool setmirrorprint -

The setmirrorprint procedure in statusdict calls setpagedevice with a dictionary with a key

/MirrorPrint set to the value bool , which is true for mirror printing (the page is mirrored left for right about its vertical center) and false for normal print. [RB2] says that MirrorPrint is implemented in the printer driver; however the RIP implements it as part of the page device, changing the default matrix appropriately. Therefore it works for all printers.

- mirrorprint bool

The mirrorprint procedure in statusdict returns the value of the MirrorPrint key in the page device

integer setexposure -

The setexposure procedure in statusdict calls setpagedevice with a dictionary with a key /Exposure set to the value integer . This is intended to control the density of the output in a printer specific way; it is not present in all versions of the RIP. It is present in all GUI versions of the RIP. If required, you can add it using ExtraPageDeviceKeys or the Sys/ExtraPageDeviceKeys file: see (v13) Adding custom page device keys . If the key is not present in the page device, the procedure does nothing.

- exposure integer

The exposure procedure in statusdict returns the value of the Exposure key in the page device, or 0 if it is not present (see setexposure above).

dpi setresolution -

The setresolution procedure in statusdict calls setpagedevice with a dictionary with the key

/HWResolution set to an array with both elements set to the number dpi , the resolution of the raster to be generated expressed in dots per inch.

It is not possible to set resolutions which differ horizontally and vertically with setresolution.

If it is important that a job cannot change resolution, a SensePageDevice procedure can be provided which resets /HWResolution to the desired value (see (v13) SensePageDevice procedures).

- resolution dpi

The resolution procedure in statusdict returns the value of the horizontal resolution (only) from the /HWResolution key in the current page device.

- ismanualfeed bool

The ismanualfeed procedure returns a boolean value indicating whether the printer is set up for manual feeding of media. This is determined from the /ManualFeed key in the current page device if it exists (which it does not by default) and is not null, or otherwise from the statusdict entry manualfeed. Typically a Level 1 job will set manualfeed in statusdict to true explicitly if it requires manual feeding.

bool setpagestackorder

The setpagestackorder procedure in statusdict calls setpagedevice with a dictionary with a key /OutputFaceUp set to the boolean value bool , which is true if pages are to stack printed side up, and false otherwise. OutputFaceUp is not present in all versions of the RIP, so it may have to be added if required using ExtraPageDeviceKeys or the Sys/ExtraPageDeviceKeys file: see (v13) Adding custom page device keys. If the key is not present in the page device, the procedure does nothing.

- pagestackorder bool

The pagestackorder procedure in statusdict returns the value of the OutputFaceUp key in the page device, or false if it is not present (see setpagestackorder above).

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