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(v13) Calibration user parameters

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

TransferFunction (calibration user param)


Default: [0 0 1 1]

array is a single interpolation array, that is, an array of pairs of numbers where the first numbers of the pairs form a monotonically increasing sequence, and the first numbers of the first and last such pairs are 0.0 and 1.0. The mapping implied by the interpolation array is applied to all color values.

Only an interpolation array is acceptable, not a procedure.

IgnoreSetBlackGeneration (calibration user param)


Default: false

When true, IgnoreSetBlackGeneration causes any procedures set up by the setblackgeneration or setundercolorremoval operators to be ignored; when it is false, they are applied as normal.

The values set by the black generation operators are still stored in the graphics state even when they are not applied, so they are still returned by currentblackgeneration and currentundercolorremoval, and if IgnoreSetBlackGeneration is reset to true, the functions current in the graphics state are applied, even if they were set while it was false.

Like all user parameters, the value is subject to save and restore.

IgnoreSetTransfer (calibration user param)


Default: false

When true, IgnoreSetTransfer causes any procedures set up by the settransfer or setcolortransfer operators to be ignored; when it is false, they are applied as normal.

The values set by the transfer operators are still stored in the graphics state even when they are not applied, so they are still returned by currenttransfer and currentcolortransfer, and if IgnoreSetTransfer is reset to true, the functions current in the graphics state are applied, even if they were set while it was false.

Like all user parameters, the value is subject to save and restore.

NegativeJob (calibration user param)


Default: false

When true, each of the color components making up a color is inverted during the conversion from input color space to output color space. This is independent of the NegativePrint page device parameter and is mainly intended to work in conjunction with montage impositions (described in (v13) Montages for laying out several jobs) so that individual imposed pages or jobs can be negated without inverting the whole of the output media.

UseAllSetTransfer (calibration user param)


Default: true

If set to false, forces the RIP to use a transfer function specified in a halftone dictionary in preference to one specified with settransfer (or setcolortransfer), rather than concatenating them. Provided for strict compatibility with [RB2]; it should normally be left at its default value.

Previously UseAllSetTransfer existed as both a system and user parameter; however, from HMR v10.0r0 and HHR v4.0r0 it is only available as a user parameter.

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