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(v13) Calibration with auto-selection and bump-up curves

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP.

The Harlequin Core has the ability to use group calibrations so as to allow the RIP to select the calibration that best matches the halftone in use. The RIP accepts calibrations via the setcalibration operator, which is an extension to the PostScript language and takes a dictionary operand:

<< calibration dictionary >> setcalibration

There are two possible formats for the calibration dictionary:  The type 5 format, which does not allow auto-selection of calibrations from a group or the use of bump-up curves, and the type 6 format which does.

For more information see the Extensions Manual.

In the Harlequin Core, the calibration dictionary may be automatically set up via the PushCalibration interface, or it can be explicitly provided in the TestConfig file.

For more information see the Harlequin v13 Extensions Manual and Harlequin Technical Note Hqn081 - Push Calibration.

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