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(v13) Capturing job screens

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

When a job is run which uses a new screen which is not overridden, the spot function for that screen is written into when the RIP is shut down. (In the meantime, spot functions are stored in the temporary file SW/Screens/ The new spot function is given a name starting “sf” and followed by a unique random number. This means that an alternative way to add new screens to the core RIP is to run a job containing the desired screen with no spot function override turned on, and note (or change) the name it is given in For example, if a job is run which executes the PostScript-language fragment:

85 45 { mul abs } setscreen

something like this would appear in

/sf13866 { mul abs } bind def

Spot function procedures containing names which do not bind to operators at the time they are invoked are not written to Those that are written have the bind operator automatically applied to them.

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