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(v13) Compiling and linking a plugin

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

Plugins are written in C and compiled and linked independently of the Harlequin MultiRIP. The RIP loads the plugin in at runtime in order to use it.

Note: How compiling and linking is done depends on your platform, and it will not be discussed here. See (v13) Harlequin MultiRIP plugins on Microsoft Windows for a full discussion.

To compile your plugin with the plugin kit, all you need to do is include one header file from the distribution.

  • Input plugins should include the header file inplug.h only.
  • Output plugins should include the header file outplug.h only.
  • Screening plugins should include the header file htmplug.h only.
  • PostScript language device plugins should include the header file ipplug.h .
  • Color management plugins should include the header file cmplug.h.
  • For cross‐platform support include the pfi.h file.
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