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(v13) D_GEN_BOOT (core module plugins)

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

D_GEN_BOOT Selector

Parameter: GenericBootParam *param

Call type: Single‐call

If D_GET_IDENTITY is called, the call to D_GEN_BOOT will be the third call made to the plugin.

It is used only to determine the amount of memory the RIP should allocate for the plugin as a whole.

      typedef struct genericBootParam { int32 version ;
      int32 globalStateSizeRequired ;
    } GenericBootParam ;

Note : The globalState pointer in the GenericPluginContext structure passed to the plugin will still not be initialized at this point. Once the D_GEN_BOOT call is complete, the global state memory requested should have been allocated. At the following call, D_PLUGIN_INITIALISE , the pointer should be available.ʺ


The version field should be ignored. Instead, perform version checking with the CHECK_VERSION

macro in the D_GET_IDENTITY call, and use that result throughout.


The plugin should set this to the number of bytes of memory that should be allocated to it. If no memory is required, it should set this to zero.

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