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(v13) D_GEN_PASSWORD_PROTECTED (core module plugins)

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core


Parameter: devPasswordProtectedParam * PasswordProtectedParam

Implementing this selector indicates to the RIP that the plugin is using Global Graphics' security system which, in turn, requires the user to enter one or more passwords when configuring the RIP. The passwords should be obtained from Global Graphics. In addition, the plugin executable should be digitally signed by Global Graphics to ensure that it is tamper‐proof.

The security device (dongle) used with an installation of the RIP can enforce the use of a password for all plugins used with that installation. If the dongle enforces the use of passwords, this selector is not called.

If the dongle does not enforce the use of a password, the RIP calls this selector to determine whether or not each module implemented by this plugin requires a password.

If this selector returns fPasswordRequired as true then the plugin module requires a password:

      typedef struct devPasswordProtectedParam { int32 fPasswordRequired;
    } devPasswordProtectedParam

The plugin and device types can be identified by a call to D_GEN_SECURITY_NAME or, if that selector is not implemented, derived from information that is available. (v13) D_GEN_SECURITY_NAME (core module plugins) describes both methods of identification.

Alternatively, the plugin and device types can be identified by a call to D_GEN_SECURITY_FEATURE_NUMBER or, if that selector is not implemented, derived from information that is available. (v13) D_GEN_SECURITY_FEATURE_NUMBER (core module plugins) describes both methods of identification.

Note: D_GEN_PASSWORD_PROTECTED relates to the instance referenced in the most recent call to an ENUMERATE selector. That is, if the RIP has called D_HTM_ENUMERATE(1) followed by D_GEN_PASSWORD_PROTECTED the returned value will be relevant to instance 1 of the Core Modules, not to the whole plugin.

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