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(v13) D_HTM_QUERY (core module plugins)

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

D_HTM_QUERY Selector

Parameter: CoreModuleQueryParam * param

Call type: Single call

This call is made to determine the number of Screening Core Modules that this plugin contains. The number should be returned in n_instances .

The plugin can inspect api_version to determine if it is compatible with the RIP by comparing its API version (taken from the enumeration sw_htm_api_versions in swhtm.h ) to that presented by the RIP.

    typedef struct CoreModuleQueryParam {
      int32 api_version ; /* (I) RIP's API version */
      int32 n_instances ; /* (O) how many instances the plugin supports */
    } CoreModuleQueryParam ;

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