(v13) D_PSDEV_GETDEVTYPE (PostScript device plugins)
This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core
Parameter: D_PSDEV_GETDEVTYPE * PSDeviceTypeParam
Call type: Multiple‐call
This selector is called once for each of the number of device types as indicated by the reply to D_PSDEV_NUMDEVICETYPES
and provides the RIP with DEVICETYPE
details for the n
th PSDEV device type.
For safety the size of the DEVICETYPE
structure must be recorded here. This allows backwards compatible changes to the DEVICETYPE
structure to be made, and the RIP can still use the pluginʹs version of them.
typedef struct getPSDeviceTypeParam { uint32 cbDeviceType ;
uint32 iDevType ; DEVICETYPE * pDevType ;
} GetPSDeviceTypeParam ;
The size of the DEVICETYPE
structure which will be returned.
The number of the DEVICETYPE
that the plugin should return, starting from 0.
The plugin must update this value with its iDevType-th DEVICETYPE
structure. The RIP will take a copy of this structure and use this copy internally.