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(v13) Defining HqnImpose2 mark sets

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

Individual marks may be defined as dictionaries within the Marks array as described above. As from Harlequin 12, it’s also possible to define mark sets. This is most useful when the main page being rendered includes multiple instances of some form of design, (for example, multiple labels, tickets, or cartons).

A set of marks may be defined that overlays one or more marks on one of those instances, which is then replicated across all other instances.

To do this, define the /MarkSets key in the configuration dictionary provided to HqnInitImpose or HqnInitOverlay. The value of MarkSets must be an array of one or more dictionaries. This array must be in global VM.

Each of those dictionaries may contain the entries shown in the following table:

Individual marks

Notes and other keys


Optional, Boolean. Should this mark be drawn? Default = true


Required, array of dictionaries; see below.


Required, array of dictionaries; see below.


Required if any MarkSet content uses Type=Array and a name is used for the value of Array , otherwise ignored. Dictionary of arrays. Arrays from which mark content may be selected.


Required if any MarkSet content uses Type=Dict and a name is used for the value of Dict , otherwise ignored. Dictionary of dictionaries from which mark content may be selected.


Required if any MarkSet content uses Type=Dynamic with name Source value, otherwise, it is ignored. Definitions of dynamic data sources for marks. This includes sources such as CSV and automatically processed Counters 


Optional, but recommended for debugging purposes, string. If a mark dictionary within MarkSets includes a MarkID entry, then the string value is reported in any error message triggered while processing that mark.

Table: Entries in dictionaries within the MarkSets array

The value of OverlayGeometry must be an array of one or more dictionaries, each of which contains the following entries:

OverlayGeometry value entry

/X, /Y

Required, numbers in points. The X and Y location on the sheet of the origin of this instance of the design. The original is simply and identifiable point within the design, if the design is rectangular, this is normally the lower-left corner, but it doesn't need to be.

If X or Y is negative, then they may be used as an offset from the right or top edge of the sheet instead of placing the geometry off the left or bottom edge; it depends on the value of AllowNegativeMarkOffset.

/AllowNegativeMarkOffsetOptional, Boolean. If X or Y is negative, then they are used as an offset from the right or top edge of the sheet if AllowNegativeMarkOffset is false. If it’s true, the geometry is placed off the left or bottom edge of the sheet. Default = false.
/AngleRequired, number in degrees. The angle by which this instance of the design is rotated on the sheet. In most cases this can be 0°, but it probably varies between marks if the designs are nested cartons, for instance.
/GeometrySourcesNormally Optional, but Required if a SetMark mark within the same MarkSet uses a data source with Type=/Dynamic and the value of Source is an integer. Array of names. A list of the entries within the DynamicSources dictionary in the current MarkSet that should be updated at the end of processing this mark.

Optional, boolean. If the OneUp objective is used with the Placement strategy, any OverlayGeometry dictionary in which Placement is set to true has the X, Y, and Angle values set automatically to reflect the position and placement of the page.

Marks are normally positioned relative to the sheet; this functionality allows marks to be placed relative to the page.

Table: OverlayGeometry value entries

The value of SetMarks must be an array of one or more mark dictionaries, very similar to those used in the Marks array in the main configuration dictionary passed to HqnInitImpose or HqnInitOverlay.

Marks and SetMarks vary in the following ways:

  • The values of X and Y on a MarkSet mark are not locations on the whole sheet, but are distances from the origin of the overlay geometry instance being processed. Negative values always mean a location to the left or below the origin.
  • The values of certain mark parameters may be set dynamically using data sources. Some constructs may only be used in marks in a MarkSet , and not in marks in the Marks array. This includes:
    • Data sources with Type=/Dynamic
    • Data sources with Type=/Array and a name value for /Array.
    • Data sources with Type=/Dict and a name value for /Dict.

Processing sequence

When processing marks for an overlay, marks are handled in the order described in the following pseudo code:

            For each entry in the MarkSets array {
                    For each entry in the OverlayGeometry array { For each entry in the SetMarks array {
                        Draw the mark
                        For each entry in the GeometrySources array { Load the next value/record
                For each entry in the Marks array { Draw the mark

Dynamic marks values are updated at the beginning of every OverlayGeometry array. This means:

  • For CSV marks the next record is read from the source CSV file.
  • For Counter marks, the Value is incremented or decremented and then reset as specified by the other keys in the DynamicSources dictionary.
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