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(v13) delete_file remove a file

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP

int32 delete_file ( DEVICELIST *dev, uint8 *filename);

This routine removes the file with the given name. If the file has been opened it is implementation-dependent whether any further operations can be done with the open file. This permits the file to be closed in the underlying operating system, if necessary, before deleting this file, as is necessary for example with MS-DOS.

If successful, this routine should return 0 . If an error occurs, then -1 should be returned.

If no file is named file1 , then last_error should return DeviceUndefined . If the device does not support deletion, or the particular files cannot be deleted, then last_error should return DeviceInvalidAccess . If some other error occurs, last_error should return DeviceIOError .

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