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(v13) Determining the RIP's capabilities

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP.

As the behavior and capabilities of the RIP change from version to version, it may be necessary to determine the version number of the RIP when running a procedure. The TechnologyVersions dictionary, defined in statusdict allows you to check the version number of the RIP that you are using, and it also contains a key whose value reflects how sheet media is handled in the Page Layout dialog box.

The TechnologyVersions dictionary contains the following keys:


An integer. The value of this key for the Harlequin RIP v7.2r1 would be 7.


An integer. The value of this key for the Harlequin RIP v7.2r1 would be 2.


An integer. The value of this key for the Harlequin RIP v7.2r1 would be 1.


An integer. If this key has the value: 1 , the behavior of the Top and Bottom margins for sheet-fed devices has been changed in the Page Layout dialog to allow the page to be positioned at the bottom of the sheet instead of at the top. Versions of the RIP that position the page at the top of the sheet, allowing you to edit only the top margin for sheet-fed devices, do not have this key.

For example, the following procedure places true on the stack for the v7.2 RIP:

            /Check55 {
                      statusdict /TechnologyVersions 2 copy known { get begin
                      hqnversion_major 7 eq hqnversion_minor 2 ge and hqnversion_major 7 gt or
                  } {
                      pop pop false
                  } ifelse
            } bind def

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