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(v13) Font emulation

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP.

Global Graphics' RIP technology includes the option to emulate a missing font if required. Font emulation, using the GGFontEmulation procset, makes a typographically acceptable match to missing fonts with no text overflow and with appropriate character spacing, weight, and width. This is ideal for cases where you're trying to print a document that doesn't include all of the fonts with which it was designed embedded within it.

To enable font emulation using a PostScript language file, issue the following before each job that requires font emulation:

/GGFontEmulation /ProcSet findresource /Emulate get exec

There are options to:

  • Disable font emulation for specific fonts.
  • Alias a font in the emulation database so that an identical font with a different name can be emulated.
  • Add or override fonts in the emulation database.

A font can be emulated according to specific rules when a font is not found or when a font causes an error.

For more information see Technical Note Hqn065 - Using and modifying font emulation.

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