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(v13) Harlequin Localization

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

For more information about localization see the Localization Kit manual.

Note: The Harlequin Core SDK cannot be localized.

As part of this support, many procsets contain markers that make it possible to scan messages for text that should be gathered together and translated to form part of a localized version of the RIP. OEMs should be able to recognize these markers and ignore them.

The full details of localization methods are described elsewhere but these examples should help explain the markers. There are two types of markers: fixed strings and messages which form part of a longer message

All messages apart from debugging emitted by the procset are defined here to allow for easy internationalization. GGS’s recommendation is that you do not translate messages that describe errors and other rare conditions, because it is easier for support organizations to recognize one message rather than several translated versions.

Translation takes place on a line-by-line basis.

Simple strings are marked for translation with UVS, where they are defined. This example from the HqnImpose2 procset shows a line in which a key/value pair is being defined as part of a dictionary:

/FilmFlushed UVS(> Flushing film ... )

Messages that form part of an error require a UVM template in a comment accompanying the actual message definition. The template contains markers (%d , %t , and so on) to mark the position and nature of variable content which will appear when the user sees the message.

                            % UVM(> Interpreted plate %d)
            /PlateProgress (> Interpreted plate )

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