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(v13) HqnContour Outputs

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

Each item in the Outputs array is a dictionary or object specifying a file (or other channel) of output to be exported to. It can contain the following properties:


(Enumeration of names or strings, Required) The value must be an output format defined in the installation. In an evaluation or normal OEM delivery the value must be one of: /HPGL2 or /PostScript .


(String, procedure, array or null, Required) Specifies where the exported contours should be written to. See (v13) HqnContour OutputFile .


(array of objects/dictionaries, Required) Each item in the array specifies a construct within the job being processed that will trigger output to the file identified by OutputFile. See (v13) HqnContour intercepts .


(Boolean, Optional) If true , a final line segment to the last moveto point is added to any paths that are closed with a PostScript language or PDF closepath command. If false , the extra line section is not added. Note that /DrawClosepath behaves differently with different /Style settings, and has no effect for exports to /PostScript .

Default = true


(Enumeration of names or strings, Optional) The value must be one of:

/Bezier curves in the paths from the PostScript or PDF input file are supplied as Bezier curves to the contour exporting code.

/Flattened all curves are flattened before export. Default = /Bezier


(Number, Optional) If CurveFormat is Flattened, this defines the accuracy of that flattening. A value of 0 or a negative number indicates that the RIP's default value should be used.

The effect of the number used here is processed in the context of the resolution used for rendering (not the ExportResolution key below). See “setflat” in [RB3] for more detail. This value is only used for flattening the curves for export, not for rendering as well.

A very small +ve Flatness value should normally be accompanied by a large value for MaxDecFigs and/or a large value for ExportResolution .

Default = -1

Ignored if CurveFormat is not Flattened.


(Integer, Optional) Decimal figures in the export are constrained to this max. Trailing zeros are omitted. You'll rarely see more than four decimal figures unless ExportResolution is high.

Default = -1


(Integer, Optional) Exported lines in many Styles are wrapped at convenient points after this many characters. Using a very small number places every operator on its own line.

Default = 1


(Number, Optional) Length of overcut at the end of closed paths, in points.

Default = 0


(Number, Optional) Previous points closer to the last point of a closed path than this are ignored in computing overcut direction.

Default = 2


(Number, Optional) Values in exported contours are expressed at this resolution. It does not need to match the rendering resolution.

Default = 72

OffsetX , OffsetY

(Number, Optional) Used to assist in re-aligning finishing equipment with prints. Exported coordinates are moved right by OffsetX and up by OffsetY , in points. Numbers can be negative.

Default = 0


(Boolean, Optional) Contours exported from a multi-page job are saved into a single multi-page file if this value is false . If true a single export file is created for every page of the PDL.

Note: OutputFile must be specified in such a way that it creates different names for the different files if FilePerPage is true , for example, by including a key to encode the page number into the filename.

Default = false


(Enumeration of names or strings, Optional) Should the graphics painted in the exported file be drawn in the specified color from the job file?

/Ignore no, leave the exported graphics in the default color for that output format.

/Export yes, encode the color in the exported file. Any DeviceN color spaces, or PDF format Separation color spaces (with dictionary or file stream tint transforms) from the job are converted into Separation color spaces with a DeviceCMYK alternate space and a procedure tint transform. Has the same effect as /Ignore if used for an export format that does not support setting the color of contours.

/Error The same as /Ignore unless the spot color to be exported has been tinted in this object in the job file, in which case it will trigger an error.

/PassThrough (from Harlequin v12.1r1) The same as /Export except that any color spaces from the job that can be represented as [RB3]-compliant PostScript is passed to the export module unchanged. Any color spaces where the tint transform is a file or dictionary object (normally those from PDF jobs) are simplified so that they are PS3 compliant.

/Raw (from Harlequin v12.1r2) The same as /Export except that all color spaces are passed through unchanged; prepare the export module to accept any PostScript or PDF-derived color space.

Default = /Ignore

Note: The simplification of color spaces for Export and PassThrough converts all values in PostScript CIEBased color spaces to black.


(Enumeration of names or strings, Optional) Should I encode the width, line cap, dash cap, and miter limit of strokes into the exported file?

/Export yes. Has the same effect as /Ignore if the export file format does not provide a method to encode the line attributes into the exported file.

/Ignore no. Default = /Ignore


(Number, Optional) The stroke width to be used for fills when FillAction is set to Outline and WidthAction to Export .

Default = 1pt


(Enumeration of names or strings, Optional) Should I encode the dash pattern and offset of each contour into the exported file?

/Export yes. Has the same effect as /Ignore if the export file format does not provide a method to encode the dash into the exported file.

/Ignore no.

/Error trigger an error if any stroke painted in the job file using this spot color has a dash pattern applied.

Note: Some export formats only support a subset of the dash functionality available in PostScript language code and PDF. In such cases the dash pattern may not be encoded identically to that seen in the original job file.

Default = /Ignore


(Enumeration of names or strings, Optional) From Harlequin v12.0r2. Should I insert comments for every exported contour to indicate which Optional Content Group (Layer) it was in the PDF file?

/Export yes. Has the same effect as /Ignore if the export file format does not include the Comment callback. The comment includes the layer name (True ) or (False ) to indicate whether or not that layer is visible in the current RIP configuration and ( layer ). The layer name is (None ) if the path is not from content in an optional content group.

/Ignore no. Default = /Ignore


(Enumeration of names or strings, Optional) From Harlequin 1v2.0r2. Should I export paths from contours in Optional Content Groups (Layers)?

/Export yes.

/Ignore no. Default = /Ignore


(Boolean, Optional) From Harlequin v12.1r0. If false , the effects of Scaling , ExtraOrientation , and MirrorPrint in the page device are not reflected in the contour coordinates emitted; if true , they are. Behavior prior to Harlequin v12.1r0 was equivalent to false .

Default = false .

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