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(v13) HqnImpose2 paneling

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

The /Paneled and /Halved objectives, and the /RespondPending response, all make use of a facility known as paneling. In addition to the PageWidth and PageHeight variables,  four more describe the size and position of a "window" or "panel" within which the area defined by PageWidth and PageHeight is placed. The contents of the page described by the PostScript job itself (together with any crop marks, and so on, which have been requested) are drawn within that page area. In the following diagram that shows two pages on a signature, the page is drawn in the gray area.

PanelWidth , PanelHeight

Define the size of the panel inside which the page is drawn.

PanelOffsetX and PanelOffsetY

Define the position of the page within the panel area. In most cases the page is centered within the panel area, but that is not required. You can selectively trim the edges of a page by setting the panel smaller than the page area; only the union of the page and panel area is used when clipping a page for output.

An objective or response may set these; you should create your own routine to do so if you want to set paneling explicitly in a call to HqnInitImpose.

If the page is scaled using values PageScaleX, PageScaleY, or ListScale other than 1, the values of PanelWidth and PanelHeight should be adjusted in the opposite direction. For example, if PageScaleX is 0.5, you should normally set PanelWidth  to PageWidth * 0.5 .  PageWidth and PageHeight should not be adjusted for scaling.

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