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(v13) Image replacement

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP.

The configuration for image replacement is mostly defined by your normal requirements for film, plate or proof output. The only addition is the selection of the Image Replacement page feature. This page feature also installs the in-RIP DCS file replacement option.

If the high-resolution file is in the same location as the job being printed, it is found. The Image Replacement page feature is configured to examine the SW\OPI or SW\DCS folders for the high-resolution file.

The SW\OPI or SW\DCS folders are not automatically created by the installer and must be created manually.

If you wish to store the high-resolution files in a different location, volume or server platform, you need to edit the Image Replacement page feature to inform the RIP where to look. All page features are located in the SW\Page Features folder.

Using any editor capable of re-saving the file in raw text format, you should edit the section defining ImageDirectories to list all the possible locations for the high-resolution files.

File-name formatting must follow the normal Harlequin RIP PostScript file name rules and must include a terminating slash (/) character.

If you wish, you can remove the two special cases of /CommentPath (which instructs the RIP to look for the high-resolution file in the location specified in the OPI comments in the Job file) and /JobPath (which instructs the RIP to look for the high-resolution file in the same directory as the job file itself).

The example below instructs the OPI code to use the OPI\HighRes directory on the C: drive:

                      userdict /ImageDirectories [
                      /JobPath (%C%/OPI/HighRes//)
                      ] put

If required, you can create several versions of the Image Replacement page feature with different names and including various collections of search paths for high-resolution files.

If your normal configuration requires the use of a different page feature you must create a new page feature combining that with the text of the Image Replacement feature. By adding the text of the Image Replacement page feature to the end of the combined feature it is unlikely that problematic interactions occur between the two sets of code. However, the interaction between page features can only be ascertained with full details on both the features.

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