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(v13) Latency

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

Latency allows the number of previous bands that are needed by the screening algorithm to be specified. The destination rasters for these are available during DoHalftone at the addresses that they were earlier presented at (so the screening module needs to remember dst_channels from earlier calls). The other buffers from earlier calls will not be available (but the module might store some of that data in its own buffers). With latency set to 0 the normal mode of working, one band at a time, is used.

If latency is specified as 3 (for example), the screening module can use and modify the last 3 bands of data and the current band (as passed in the arguments to DoHalftone).

The current RIP does not support bands in descending order, and specifying SW_HTM_BAND_ORDER_ANY is allowed (and could make certain multi-threaded setups run faster).

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