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(v13) Multiple jobs concatenated in HqnImpose2

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

On its own, it is not possible for this procset to allow the Harlequin RIP to concatenate several logical jobs within one imposed flat. It is possible, however, to concatenate several files into a single file and sent as one job, or for a single control job to call run, epsexec, tiffexec, pdfexec, or pdfexecid on several files in turn (see also ExecFile in HqnControl for automatic determination of file types).

When using such techniques, take care that operand and dictionary stacks and save levels are appropriately reset between jobs.

One effect of this is that any page size changes inside a job is undone by the equivalent of a call to setpagedevice when the restore at the end of the job is reached. This call is not intercepted and therefore cannot be adjusted by a response procedure. Thus a film is thrown at the end of the job, which largely defeats the point of concatenating jobs in the first place. To avoid this, you should ensure that you use a response that never cause setpagedevice to be called (of the supplied responses, only /RespondScale and /RespondHalved fall into this category). You should also set AlwaysRespond to true.

If you want to explicitly flush the current film at any point in such a composite job, use the procedure HqnFlushFilm defined in the procset.

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