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(v13) Other CIEBased color spaces

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP.

The standard PostScript language and PDF color spaces of CIEBasedA, CIEBasedABC, CIEBasedDEF, CIEBasedDEFG, Lab, CalRGB and CalGray are all essentially another way of encoding the device to PCS conversion for one rendering intent in an ICC profile. They all convert to the CIEXYZ intermediate space which must be rendered by the RIP.

When rendering these color spaces using an ICC destination profile, one problem to overcome is the different meanings of XYZ. The above CIE-based color spaces produce CIEXYZ, while ICC output profiles consume ICCXYZ. The RIP will translate between CIEXYZ and ICCXYZ when appropriate.

A chromatic adaptation transform is applied if the WhitePoint of the CIE-based color space doesn't match the color rendering. This is explained in (v13) Chromatic Adaptation Transform (CAT).

In addition to the CAT, if the current rendering intent is one of the relative intents, the media white of the color space is mapped to the media white of the destination profile (or CRD), as explained in (v13) RelativeWhitePoint.

An absolute intent maps the white point from the WhitePoint of the color space to the illuminant of the ICC output profile. A relative intent maps the white point from the (v13) RelativeWhitePoint, of the color space to the media white point within the mediaWhitePointTag of the output profile.

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