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(v13) Output formats and configuration files

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP.

A number of PostScript configuration files, suitable for various common types of output, are supplied with the Harlequin Core SDK. These are easily modified using a simple text editor. The configuration files are within:


When you modify the PostScript language configuration file, the Harlequin Core SDK is able to write any appropriate format including:

  • Halftoned or eight-bit per colorant continuous tone
  • 16-bits per color per pixel rendering for band, frame-interleaved and pixel-interleaved

16-bit rendering has a limit of 0xff00. As a result, when using a color separation style for 16-bit, use the value 0xff00+1 for ValuesPerComponent.

  • Pixel-interleaved RGB at 32-bits per pixel (three x eight color bits and eight padding bits)
  • Pixel-interleaved
  • Band-interleaved
  • Frame-interleaved or automatically separated colorants
  • Arbitrary numbers of colorants (except pixel-interleaved)
  • Overlapping run-length spans
  • Conversion of colors to grayscale

Select these formats using the configuration files supplied with Harlequin Core SDK.

An example of a CMYK composite, pixel-interleaved configuration file follows:

                      % CMYK composite (pixel-interleaved), 300 dpi
                        /PageBufferType /LE
                        /HWResolution [ 300 300 ]
                        /InterleavingStyle 2
                        /ProcessColorModel /DeviceCMYK
                          /SeparationStyle 4
                          /CompositeColorNames [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black ]
                        /ValuesPerComponent 256
                        /Halftone false
                      >> setpagedevice

 The /PageBufferType /LE defaults to /TIFF (which in turn uses the /LIBTIFF backend if it is present). When using the Test harness, use the -o command-line argument to change this option.

The following configuration file is for CMYK separations:

                      % CMYK separations, 300 dpi
                        /PageBufferType /LE
                        /Separations true
                        /HWResolution [ 300 300 ]
                      >> setpagedevice

The following configuration file is for CMYK separations with a Gold spot color:

                      % CMYK separations + Gold spot color, 72 dpi
                        /PageBufferType /LE
                        /Separations true
                        /SeparationColorNames [ /Gold ]
                        /SeparationOrder [ /Gold /Black /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow ]
                      >> setpagedevice

The CMYKCMMComposite300dpi configuration is for use with the Color Management Modules. For more information see the API Reference Manual.

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