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(v13) Overriding font caching

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

Harlequin can be configured to cache fonts based on their UniqueIDs , by setting the SuppressUniqueID user parameter to false. This can increase speed but with a small risk of incorrect output if two fonts use the same UniqueID . It's very rare to see fonts incorrectly re-using the same ID, If the decision has been made to set SuppressUniqueID to false then any known problem UniqueIDs may be identified by adding them to the FontUIDExclusionList dictionary in statusdict . Each key in that dictionary must be an integer representing a font UniqueID . A font will not be cached if its UniqueID is present in the dictionary and the value is not false ; all other values indicate that the font should not be used for caching.

The name FontUIDExclusionList is new in Harlequin v13.1r0; this functionality was available under a different name in previous versions. Both names now work.

Sometimes it can be helpful to flush the font cache entirely. For example, if there are multiple unique fonts in the job but with the same UID, the RIP may end up using an “incorrect” cached version of a font. Calling flushcache pop at an appropriate place (for example, a StartRender procedure) in a page feature or a TestConfig clears the font cache entirely.

Note: Use flushcache ONLY if it is truly required to work around bad font definitions, as using it reduces speed slightly.

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