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(v13) PageRange (page device)

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP














An array controlling the pages to be rendered from the given PostScript file. A single number means render the numbered page only, an array of two numbers denotes a sub-range to be output.

For example, a PageRange array of [ 1 [10 12]] would result in pages one, ten, eleven, and twelve being output. The default behavior when no PageRange array is supplied is to print all pages.

Pages must be in order, and numbering starts at 1.

There is also a separate PageRange PDF parameter that can be set with setpdfparams . The PDF parameter is recommended instead of the page device parameter when processing PDF files. PageRange in the page device does not allow reverse page ranges (e.g. [[ 5 1 ]] ), and does not allow negative page numbers to indicate a page count in from the end of the file; these may be used with the PageRange PDF parameter, but not in the page device parameter.

If this page device key is used in conjunction with the pdfexec PageRange key then the page device key will select from the filtered list of PDF pages as if they were numbered 1, 2, 3... and so on. See also “Executing a PDF file” . There is no PageOrder equivalent in the page device; that is only available in PDF parameters.

We do not recommend using this page device key if you are using imposition.

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