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(v13) Patch style names

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core

The following table gives patch style names for use with /PatchName . Note that the “hot spot” for all of these shapes is at their center.

Name of shape



A simple rectangle filled with the specified color.


A rectangle filled with the specified color surrounded by a black border.


As above, but with a thicker white border.


As above, but a black border.


As above, but with only left and right edges of the border, drawn in white.


As above, but drawn in black.


As above, but with only the bottom edge of the border drawn in white.


As above, but drawn in black.


As above, but with only the top edge of the border drawn in white.


As above, but drawn in black.


As above, but with only the left edge of the border drawn in white.


As above, but drawn in black.


As above, but with only the right edge of the border drawn in white.


As above, but drawn in black.


A simple hexagon filled with the specified color.


A hexagon filled with the specified color surrounded by a black border.

Table: Patch style names.

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