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(v13) PFIN interfaces

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP

The RIP interface comprises:


Define a font or CIDFont. This can be called from initialise, configure or find .


Remove a font definition. This is only expected to be called from configure.


Start a glyph subpath. This can only be called from within the module’s outline call.


Add a straight line to the current glyph outline. This can only be called from within the module’s outline call.


Add a Bezier curve to the current glyph outline. This can only be called from within the module’s outline call.


Deliver a bitmap representation of a glyph. This can only be called from the module’s outline call.


Allows the module instance to change various default options for the glyph being created, such as whether it can be cached, or whether a bitmap is pre-rotated.


Allows the module to discard a glyph or an entire font from the font cache, so that further uses of the character will cause the module instance to be called again.

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