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(v13) pgbaddtoheldqueue, pgbaddtocurrentqueue, pgbaddtoactivequeue

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin MultiRIP but not Harlequin Core.

pgbname pgbaddtoheldqueue   

pgbname pgbaddtocurrentqueue   

pgbname pgbaddtoactivequeue   

Each of these procedures inserts the pagebuffer identified by pgbname into the appropriate queue (at the end). pgbname is typically produced by a preceding call to pgbconstruct, described in (v13) pgbconstruct.

Pages inserted into the Current Queue, or the Active Queue if no other pages are present, start outputting immediately if output is enabled.


(00001000.PGB) pgbaddtoheldqueue

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