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(v13) PoorClippath (system param)

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; both Harlequin Core and Harlequin MultiRIP














PoorClippath controls how the clippath operator reports complex clipping. It takes an array of up to 9 Booleans.

There are changes to the effect of the last two Booleans in the array controlling the clippath operator. These Booleans both concern the ability of clippath to return a path usable with the stroke operator.

If fewer Booleans are supplied, the remaining ones take their default values. In order, the Booleans have the following meanings when true .

  1. When true the path is clipped to device boundaries. Default: false .
  2. When true only the intersection of the rectangular clips on the clip path will appear as a single sub-path. Default: true .
  3. Paths are returned or decomposed in strict order which means that the sub-paths of the clipping path will appear in the same order as the ‘clip’ operators that created the clipping path. When false , some simplification of the returned clipping path can be done. Default: true .
  4. Normalize paths when clip has one sub-path. Normalize means that the sub-paths are flattened, and converted to a non-zero winding rule with a clockwise outer contour. Default: false .
  5. Normalize paths when clip has more than one sub-path. Default: false .
  6. Normalize paths when eoclip has one sub-path. Default: false .
  7. Normalize paths when eoclip has more than one sub-path. Default: false .
  8. If true , the path returned is strokable and normalized (according to the definition in 9, as follows). A little more memory may be used than the normal case. Default: false .
  9. If this boolean is true , the clip operations (clip , eoclip , iclip and rectclip ) will perform the equivalent of clippath initclip clip immediately after the operation, flattening the clip , and the clippath operator will return such normalized paths directly. The current path in the gstate is not affected. Note that the clippath normalization happens according to the rest of the PoorClippath values.


If clippath coalescing is desired, the following setting will always create a clockwise-wound strokable path:

            /PoorClippath [true false false true true true true true]
            >> setsystemparams

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