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(v13) Scalable RIP raster tool output

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP

The Scalable RIP raster tool will print output on the console as it sends and receives messages to and from the Scalable RIP. After each operation that adds or removes a job, the Scalable RIP raster tool prints its current list of jobs in priority order. The output produced is voluminous, so may be best saved to a file for analysis when testing. The operation of the Scalable RIP raster tool is inherently asynchronous, so operations will not necessarily happen in exactly the same order for each run. However, the output should enable the sequence of operations to be analyzed, and determine whether the Scalable RIP's response to DBE requests was correct.

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