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(v13) Screening

This page applies to Harlequin v13.1r0 and later; and to Harlequin Core but not Harlequin MultiRIP.

The Harlequin Core supports multiple methods of providing halftone screening, including:

  • PostScript spot functions
  • PostScript threshold screens
  • Spot functions as embedded in PDF files
  • An API to add your own screening engine. For more information see the API Reference Manual.
  • Tile-based screening that supports non-monotonic 1-bit screens (HalftoneType 116). For more information see the Extensions Manual.
  • Harlequin Precision Screening (HPS™), a proprietary mechanism to provide moiré-free screening for color reproduction when using spot functions
  • Harlequin Dispersed Screening (HDS), a family of stochastic (FM) screens
  • Harlequin Cross-modulated Screening (HXM), hybrid screens designed for high-quality offset and flexo printing
  • Advanced Inkjet Screens, Mirror and Pearl, designed to mitigate common artefacts seen when printing on high-speed inkjet presses

In addition, it includes extensions to those screening mechanisms, including:

  • Functionality to increase the number of gray levels achievable for a given resolution, screen frequency combination
  • Controls to manage the selection of screens when processing live PDF transparency
  • Methods for overriding various aspects of screens set by a job, such as the frequency and spot shape
  • Automatic selection of screens by object type (HalftoneType 195)
  • Rich support for multi-level screening (for example, for inkjet presses using grayscale heads)

Harlequin Core can also be integrated with Global Graphics Software's dedicated screening engine, ScreenPro™, which can apply screening at very high speed post-RIP; it can also incorporate PrintFlat™ to correct for non-uniformity in the print.

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